Digital Art
Art is about the moment.
A moment in time. A moment in history.
A moment in each of our lives.
It’s all about what we realize when we see ourselves in that moment.
We are each imperfect beings, the results of an unlikely series of perfectly timed moments.
The wonder of it is that we exist at all.

Minstral 01

unfolding 01

Lionfish 01

Petals of Daphne 01

Mermaid Purse 01

Atrium 01

First Notice

Bladed Wind 01

Lover's lace 01

Ornate 01

Sundew 01

The Promised One 01

Turnabout 01

The Event of the Season 01

Grand Opening 01

Up Up 01

Away 01

Charge It 01

Ravishment in Reds 01

An Empire of Ants 01

Butterflyaway Dream 01

The Beetle Rains 01

Highwire Act 01

Pacemaker 01

Up for Air

Stop War 01